Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Trying to find time for life

I wish that there was a way to add more hours to the day. I currently work about 90 miles from my home and spend about 4 hours commuting each day. I wish that I had an alternative to driving myself but there's not any public transportation available other than a vanpool that doesn't suit my works hours which can vary from day to day based upon meetings that I have to attend. What a luxury it would be to sit back and knit or read while someone else does the driving and dealing with the traffic jams. And don't get me started on the those wonderful people that just have to slow down to check out the stalled car in the median or the minor fender bender that was caused by.........you guessed it, someone not paying attention to the car in front of them because they had to look at the car stalled in the median........arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!

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